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Re: Good Morning!

I've heard of CTO @SmilingGecko

Used to see them placed on people at my old job.

My experience with meds has been interesting and helpful. Presently I'm not on anything. My p doc put me on to different meds as time had gone by and most recently he said it was fine to come off them.

By having a greater understanding of my own health and trauma experiences when I was young I have found my authentic self more and more. I am what we would call someone who has mental ill health as opposed to mental illness. Depression and anxiety in other words. But I see some of it is lifting now too. Only through time and self work has this come about.

It reminds me of something @Jacques told me about once - in a lecture he sent - "in the end the race is long, and its only with yourself".

I feel this is the right approach to things.

Having more self compassion and being in tune with my emotions is helping. I have a session with a life coach this week that will be interesting as s follow up to last week.

Some interviews and applications to do too.

This whole business of putting myself into the world more and more is paying off with tangible experiences and lessons too.


I like this forum community a lot too because we can all bounce ideas off one another

Re: Good Morning!

I have limited caffeine sugar alcohol and literally anything than tries to increase or control me via dopamine

@Former-Member @SmilingGecko

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Former-Member yeah very cold morning. No energy here. Going back to bed soon. Might do a covid test later, bit run down

Re: Good Morning!

Thats good @MDT - after we hot rock bottom we learn to become co-creators of our own lives.  Keep on learning and growing as a person as its an asset and will create a secure foundation for you.


I don't do sugar unless its coconut sugar. Saw a person at government rehab hooked on eating sugar in large quantities. Her parents did not take adequate care of her to see to these bad habits.


Coconut sugar however is quite good and doesn't seem to affect me but I use it sparingly. White processed sugar makes me depressed generally so stay away from it.


Same with caffeine - I don't drink it anymore as it stimulates the adrenals and when under anxiety the stress hormones go to the brain playing havoc with brain chemistry which is why I don't drink tea or coffee


Self care/compassion is a long journey and will reveal unknown aspects of yourself to you. I had to learn self care and compassion.  You realise how tough you once were on yourself. Its all about accessing your inner child and being a "good parent" to yourself.  If I can't do certain things or live up to ideals I no longer chastise myself.  I did hear of someone from The Chopra Center healing herself of disease just by changing her internal dialogue!

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon all. 

Hope your afternoon is relaxing @Judi9877 

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Sorry to hear @SmilingGecko @hope everyone is at peace now. 

alcohol is another addiction for me which I’ve picked up on early and trying to stop. 

it’s true what they say about 50% of schizophrenics hey. SMH.


but I’m my defense I’m a feeler and I’m just trying to feel good. it’s anything I shouldn’t be doing which I always get caught up in. 


been watching and reading a lot lately and exercising too trying to get it all right

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Get better soon @TAB 

Re: Good Morning!

You will get it all attended to in good timing @Former-Member. I think addiction comes from traumatic circumstances particularly from the family of origin


There are many highly prominent people who have had major addictions and sorted their lives out. One that comes to mind is Russell Brand who is someone I hold in high esteem.


Just remember you are worth it and life can improve by taking those necessary steps in whatever direction feels right to you.


You can be free of the addiction and still feel good.


I think alcohol just dissolves the difficult emotions so you don't have to try and face the challenging aspects of your given reality.


Its hard.


But you will begin to make sense of it and ultimately be guided about what you need to do to get sober 💙

Re: Good Morning!

Hi everyone @SmilingGecko @Former-Member @Captain24 @TAB @MDT @Judi9877 . 

Hope today is treating you well.



Re: Good Morning!

Hi @BPDSurvivor 


Not a great day. 

Hope yours is going well

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