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Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

Re: Daily Check In Space

Thanks for sharing your story BPDSurvivor, it is so positive to hear you have been helped to navigate this disorder. I think the waiting lists for government help have blown out due to covid and lockdowns. One of the hospitals sent me a lovely email, so my child is on a waiting list for their program but the BPD DBT program is now only 6 months long instead of a year and the wait list is 2 years. Its a long time when you need help now!

Re: Daily Check In Space

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hello @Shaz51  

How are things going for you?

I'm on my usual Tuesday off today, had lots of errands to run, buying Christmas presents to post to the grandkids interstate.  

My husband turned 60 last week so we celebrated with his cycling group at a morning tea today. 

My oldest son had a mishap on his motorbike on the weekend, he slipped on some loose gravel from Council works on the road as he was braking for a corner.  It was hot so he'd refused to wear his safety gear that morning and said 'I'll be careful' to me.  He's had a hard lesson in the nature of accidents: no one knows when they're going to happen and it's not always that you did something wrong/made a mistake.  So he's missing skins on his leg/elbow/hand from friction burns/heavy grazes - I took him to the ED after it happened.  Nothing broken, he will recover.  But his motorbike is fairly damaged, and he has to grow some new skin again.  I had to dress his wounds this morning poor mite, so painful for him. 

Re: Daily Check In Space

Ohh hugs @Tinker67 ❤❤

Soo much happening here at the moment,  not sure which way to turn my friend,  one step at a time here xxx 

Have not even started yet with Christmas 

My MIL birthday yesterday 

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi everyone stopping by the Friends, Family and Carers Forum today 


@Shaz51 @Tinker67 @Jaxta @BPDSurvivor @LizzieLou @Scoo @Alicat @Anastasia @Smc @Determined @Krishna @outlander 


How are you today?


Also welcoming some of our new members

@Susie22499 @happydays123 @REE1 @Trace @Nashagirl75 


This is a space where you can check in with others about how you are doing today 🙂 

Re: Daily Check In Space


Currently sitting in a hospital waiting room waiting on our little one who is undergoing tests under anaesthetic.

All routine and no complications expected but 15min passed when we thought he would be out so 😬


Aaaand have a 3+ hour drive home to look forward to yet 😴

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi @Determined,
Such a big day for you and your family. Hoping test results go okay, and that you all get some time to rest after a busy day

Re: Daily Check In Space

Well little man has woken up but he is quite distressed so discharge may take a while 😥

Can hear him crying from outside.

Face masks are  a bonus at times like this.

No significant concerns that we are aware of, just a little emotional seeing him suffer.

Face masks are a bonus at times like this. 

And we will likely have to do it all again in 3 months. (Find that out in 2 weeks). 

Re: Daily Check In Space

Sending hugs to you and your family and your little man @Determined 

Still having side affects today , @Daisydreamer , @cloudcore , @Tinker67 , @Jaxta 

Did some mowing this afternoon,  having a coffee now 

A little bit worried today 

Hello @Susie22499 , @happydays123 , @REE1 , @Trace , @Nashagirl75 , @Former-Member , @Elac 


Re: Daily Check In Space

Thanks shaz51 for sending me a daily check in much appreciated

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