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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?


We are all vulnerable. 💜💕

Thankyou XoX hope your days are better and there are more days where you are laughing and making others laugh.

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

You don't have to say or write anything @Former-Member - we do understand that sense of emptiness, as if there is no point even thinking about seeing the sun because it will only further blind us to our own reality. It is easier to sit in the darkness that we are so accustomed to because although that does not make us feel safe - it is a state that we know. I hear you buddy and I am sitting here with you - you are not alone Heart

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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

@Zoe7 you always have such a way with words 💕 In a way I would rather be alone, it pains me to think other people have to experience and go through this ickiness and constant darkness that clouds our every action & thought. I wish I was good with words, maybe it would make things easier.. maybe it wouldn't. I cannot be certain.

hope your day is kind to you x

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

I really understand that feeling of wanting to be alone @Former-Member It takes too much energy to even ask for help, ask for support - and feeling that others need it more - so I step away from here myself in those times. This dark place is a really horrible place to be - and I too wish that no-one else would have to feel this - but we do. The guiding light here - for all of us - is that we are not alone (as horrible as that is), we do understand how very, very hard it is and we do want it to be better for each other. I want it to be better for me and I want it to be better for you. As I said before sweetheart - you don't need to write - you just need to BE - and I will be here beside you - so you know you are not alone and are cared for Heart

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

BTW @Former-Member I have trouble 'finding words' to describe how I am feeling also - my brain shuts down to avoid any further pain Smiley Sad

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

.. just listening to Mazzy Star . Its good for a bit of self indulgent re me 'blackness' .. helps get stuff out.
Plus makes me think of @Former-Member 😀 Oh well..
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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?


simplyy thankyouu 💜 & vise versa - as i do hope you know. i don't know how people can waste such words on @Former-Member sometimes. i really wish you are holding your own words to your heart ❣
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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?


I know that feeling. Brains can easily shut down and turn on signals to "avoid.. avoid.. avoid!!".. sometimes to avoid further pain to ourselves or further turmoil or pain onto others x you aren't alone

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

definitely no thanks needed here @Former-Member - we are here for each other Smiley Happy Sometimes it helps me more to forget about my own 'situation' and chat with others. Sometimes it is best that I 'disappear' for a while because I am too overwhelmed by my own negativity. It can be a balancing act - as you know - when we need the most support we do not know how to ask for it - and that can lead us further into the darkness. I do find it really difficult to articulate my feelings in these times - I really don't think there are words that can describe how we are feeling sometimes.

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Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Exactly - there aren't @Zoe sometimes. We can be left speechless, almost brain dead in a way because we do not even understand or are able to truly articulate or admit our true feelings to ourselves.. and all words fly free.. It makes it very difficult

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