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Re: Back again checking in

Hi there @Lilly6 

I am sorry to hear that thinks have not changed for you and so I really hope they do change. It is good to know that you appeciate the support you receive here.


warmest wishes




Re: Back again checking in

Thank you @NatureLover your support really means a lot to me. 

Re: Back again checking in

You're welcome, @Lilly6 .....hoping you can stay warm at this time and look after yourself with good meals and rest. How are you sleeping?

Re: Back again checking in

@NatureLover Still not sleeping well unfortunately, really sucks😔

Re: Back again checking in

Missing my Nan so much right now, she would have been 97 in a few days. She was very special to me and to all the family. I don't talk to my mother and don't plan to ever talk to her again so I especially miss Nan. 

Re: Back again checking in

Sorry to hear that you're not able to sleep. That really sucks, I know. 



@Lilly6 wrote:

Missing my Nan so much right now, she would have been 97 in a few days. She was very special to me and to all the family. I don't talk to my mother and don't plan to ever talk to her again so I especially miss Nan. 

Sending you a gentle hug, @Lilly6  (I hope that's OK)...

Re: Back again checking in

@Lilly6  Sending you hugs too ❤️❤️


Re: Back again checking in

Hi. I have ended up in hospital not sure how long. I know I need help but at the same time I don't. I want to get better. I am so tired of feeling this way. 

Re: Back again checking in

Oh gosh, @Lilly6 , thanks for the update! I came by to let you know I was thinking of you...I'm so glad to hear that you want to get better - it is definitely possible. I hope your time in hospital helps...I will be thinking of you @Lilly6 .

Re: Back again checking in

Hi @Lilly6 

@thinking of you. I hope you can get some help. I want you to get better too. 
tske care ❤️❤️

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