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Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Hello @LaceMarie and @Maggie

Thanks for your response @Maggie that is very helpful, I am also thinking that there are some other useful threads that might be worth you reading through @LaceMarie - one member @Prayne started a great thread called 'Dissociative identity disorder' as well as another great thread by @Angel also called 'Dissociative Identity Disorder'

I hope they can help in some way,

Lunar 🙂

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

@Maggie you are most welcome my friend. 

@Teej community elder sounds fancy  but I like it 🙂 I haven't been reading here much unless someone tags me and I get an email. I don't have a lot to contribute to 99% of the discussions and the rest, what I would say is hardly earth shattering! I hope you're doing okay...

@LaceMarie this is really hard because some therapists are just mentally closed to DID. I think in your position I would ask the therapist if they have ever worked with a DID client and if so, how many, and if not, how rare do they believe it to be? That should give you an idea of where they're coming from and how to regard their opinion. We have found therapists with little experience of DID and trauma can be helpful but only if they realise their inexperience and are willing to learn.

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Thankyou @Former-Member I'll learn how to do that next, working on it atm.

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

hi @Maggie@-Rayne-@Former-Member@LaceMarie@Teej



i think i have dignosed with DID. if yous have any info about it or any help, that would be good

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Hi @NameUnknown ...

Just continuing our conversation from earlier tonight.  I’m sorry it took me a little while to get sorted at home, and back to this ....

Here is a YouTube video.  Only watch it if you’re comfortable to, of course.  

This is Jess .... she lives with Ollie, Jake, Jamie and Ed as her “other people”.  Jess and her alters have chosen to share their experience of life as a way of raising community awareness and sensitivity towards the way they manage their life and relationships, and they are doing a series.

I hope it helps you to see how they organise their shared life to include everybody and appreciate their strengths.


** Adding a trigger warning in here because there is a reference to misrepresentation of DID through Hollywood films, and a very brief trailer clip before Jess debunks that sort of presentation of DID ....... in case the inserted clip is frightening or triggering ....

The movie clip is from “Split” .... and it is used here to demonstrate how inappropriate it is ....**


Hi @CherryValentine.   Others have introduced themselves here .... I hope this thread helps you feel more at home.  

Some “former members” are still on the forums, but have chosen to change their forum identity, and have returned under a different name and avatar.

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Hi @Faith-and-Hope,
I laughed when I realised that this thread is on I actually started with an old avatar. Actually I think this was when I very first joined forum land.
Thankyou for the video but I will have to watch later got stuff to do now

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Hi @NameUnknown .... 🌷💕

Hoped you would get a giggle out of that .....

The video is in the format of an interview with a Tv presenter, which is why they have added in the Hollywood movie footage, and interview with her (their) DID specialist ..... things like that.  It’s a communication with the non-DID world as much as it is communicating with other DID people about their situation, which is a well-functioning one.

Please ..... if you find it too uncomfortable (you or anyone else here) please let me know and I will take it down .... or one of the mods will on request.  


Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope, I think its important to raise awareness. I'd like to know if there is anyone else out there who has DID and is working toward complete integration?

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Hi @Bubbles3 this link is a really good, straight forward source of info on DID. I was diagnosed over 7 years ago now and am still on the journey of acceptance and am working toward complete integration. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Re: living with DID/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

Not tagging anyone, but for anyone who might stumble across this post, I'm really struggling with feeling like my head if going to explode. Does anyone else experience this? Is it that there might be a number of conversations going on all at once. I have asked, one at a time please, but it really is becoming overpowering and exhausting. I've noticed it happening more since a relatively recent memory was uncovered. Also might be depression/anxiety mix. Confused obviously.

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